
There is a numerical sequence, 1-3-5-7-11, that beautifully corresponds to the nature of our existence.



In this article, we will embark on a deep dive into the significance of each number in this sequence and how they relate to human consciousness and the world around us.

We will explore the 5 Laws that encapsulate Earth consciousness and their role in shaping our understanding of existence. Additionally, we will delve into the 7 Neutral Needs and their ever-evolving nature, followed by a discussion of the 11 Elements of Excitement that guide us in living a fulfilling life.

By uncovering the profound truths and wisdom held within these numbers, we aim to gain a richer understanding of our existence and discover practical implications for embracing these truths in our daily lives.

1 - The Oneness of Existence

The number 1 in the sequence signifies Oneness, the complete knowingness of existence itself that is accessible to each of us. In a state of Oneness, we experience ourselves as existence itself, transcending the boundaries of individuality. It is in this state that we have the potential to know everything about the nature of existence. All relevant realizations and insights become available to us, and from this state, all else is known.

Think of this as the cosmic source code of existence, the fundamental truth that underlies all experiences and phenomena. It's the realization that we are not separate from the universe but an integral part of it. When we tap into this state of Oneness, we gain access to profound insights about our existence.

3 - The Trinity of Polarity and Neutrality

The number 3 embodies the trinity of polarity and neutrality. Polarity is the concept of opposing forces or dualities, such as light and dark, good and bad. When we encounter these dualities in life, we often find ourselves caught in debates about which side is right or wrong, leading to conflicts and division.

However, the wisdom of the number 3 suggests a different approach. It encourages us to relax into an acceptance of paradox. The truest truths often exist in the realm of paradox, where opposing ideas coexist harmoniously. Instead of engaging in divisive debates, we can find clarity by embracing both sides of a duality, leading to a third perspective that reconciles the opposing forces.

To illustrate this concept, think of a pendulum swinging between two extremes. Rather than fixating on either extreme, the wisdom of the number 3 invites us to stand at the center, in a state of neutrality, where we can appreciate the full spectrum of experiences and perspectives.

5 - The Five Laws of Existence

The number 5 introduces us to the five fundamental laws of existence, which provide a comprehensive framework for understanding our reality. While there are various ways to describe existence, these five laws elegantly encapsulate the core principles that shape our consciousness and the world around us.

  1. You exist: This fundamental law affirms your existence and acknowledges your role as an integral part of the universe.
  2. Everything is here and now: It emphasizes the present moment as the only reality, where past and future are but mental constructs. This law urges us to embrace the fullness of the present.
  3. All is One, and the One is All: It highlights the interconnectedness of all life forms and the unity of the cosmos. Understanding this law can lead to a sense of belonging and purpose.
  4. Every experience is a reflection: This law posits that the energy and intention you emit are reflected back to you in your experiences. It encourages self-awareness and personal responsibility.
  5. All else changes except the first four laws: This final law reminds us of the constancy of the first four laws and the impermanence of everything else in existence.

These laws are not mere words but profound concepts that can serve as the foundation for our beliefs. Embracing them allows us to view our experiences through the lens of these laws, leading to reduced resistance and enhanced well-being.

7 - The Seven Neutral Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The number 7 delves into the realm of human experience and the subjective needs that sustain our lives. When we experience the state of Oneness with the desire to understand human existence, we become aware of what is necessary to support human life. These needs are subjective, as they pertain to the unique context of our existence.

The seven needs may vary, but they often include:

  1. Oxygen
  2. Water
  3. Sleep & Dreaming
  4. Food
  5. Shelter
  6. Connection & Relationships
  7. Self-expression

The first four needs are essential for our physical survival, while the last three are critical for our emotional and psychological well-being. Without the last three, our lives may lack fulfillment and purpose, eventually leading to a sense of emptiness.

It's important to note that the exact nature of the last three needs may vary among individuals, reflecting the diversity of human experiences and desires. While the first four needs are relatively consistent, the last three are more flexible, allowing for personal growth and individual expression.

11 - The Eleven Elements of Excitement

The number 11 offers insights into how we can live well and make the most of our lives. To understand this, we must recognize the rules that govern our existence and the way the principles of 1-3-5 manifest in our physical reality.

The Eleven Elements of Excitement provide a roadmap to a fulfilling life. These elements are grounded in the core concepts of Oneness, polarity, and the five laws of existence. They help us navigate our human experience with wisdom and purpose.

The Eleven Elements of Excitement include:

  1. Follow Your Highest Excitement: Among the options available to you in the present moment, choose to act on the one that ignites your passion and enthusiasm. This initial step sets the foundation for a transformative journey.
  2. Commit Wholeheartedly: Once you've chosen the path of excitement, wholeheartedly commit to it. Give your best effort and stay the course, allowing your inner guidance to steer you until a change of direction feels genuinely aligned.
  3. Release Outcome Expectations: It is imperative to let go of any insistence on specific results. Trust that the journey itself holds value and wisdom. Embrace the uncertainty and the opportunity for surprise, as life unfolds in its own unique way.
  4. Define Every Outcome as Positive: Regardless of what transpires, choose to view every outcome as a positive one. Cultivate a deep sense of appreciation for the wisdom gained from each experience. Understand that every twist and turn on your path is precisely what you needed at that moment.
  5. Excitement as Motivation: Excitement serves as the driving force behind your actions. It propels you forward, infusing your endeavors with enthusiasm and energy.
  6. Excitement as the Organizing Principle: Your excitement acts as a powerful force for positive synchronicity. It orchestrates situations where things fall into place seamlessly, aligning you with the right circumstances and people.
  7. Excitement as Discernment: When faced with closed doors or obstacles, recognize them as blessings. Negative synchronicity, driven by your excitement, guides you away from pursuits that do not serve your true path.
  8. Excitement as the Path of Least Resistance: Surrender to the flow of your truest self, your unique frequency. By avoiding insistence and resistance, you'll navigate life with ease, following the path that aligns with your essence.
  9. Excitement as Abundance: Abundance takes many forms, extending beyond monetary wealth. Embrace trade, gifts, synchronicities, and inspirations as expressions of abundance, aligning with what you genuinely need.
  10. Excitement as Wholeness: Your excitement encompasses the complete kit of experiences and expressions relevant to you at each moment. It leaves no aspect of your authentic self untouched, bringing forth your passion and true essence.
  11. Excitement as Self-Reflective Mirror: Self-awareness is essential for personal growth and success. Your excitement acts as a mirror, illuminating any misalignments with your unique frequency. While it may reveal negative beliefs or manifestations, it empowers you to choose and evolve.

Unlike the subjective nature of the seven needs, the Eleven Elements of Excitement have a more universal and timeless quality. They provide a comprehensive guide for living well and making the most of our lifetime. These elements reflect the absolute truths of existence and offer a profound perspective on how to thrive despite the challenges and uncertainties of life.


The numerical sequence 1-3-5-7-11 serves as a portal to the nature of existence, revealing profound truths that resonate with the essence of our consciousness and the world around us.

This ultimate revelation leaves no reasonable choice but to act on your joy. As you witness the formula's transformative power in your life, you'll naturally gravitate toward following your excitement above all else. This unwavering commitment to joy becomes the guiding principle of your existence, leading to a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and boundless opportunities.

Embracing these insights can lead us on a transformative journey toward a more enlightened and purposeful existence, rooted in harmony, understanding, and fulfillment.

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