Tunguska Event, X Files, & Tesla

Tunguska Event, X Files, & Tesla

The Tunguska Explosion: A Close Encounter of the Third Kind

The Tunguska event of 1908 is a historical enigma that has intrigued scientists and enthusiasts for over a century. On June 30, 1908, a massive explosion rocked the remote Tunguska region in Siberia, flattening an estimated 2,150 square kilometers (830 square miles) of Siberian forest and causing a seismic shockwave felt around the world. Commonly believed to be the result of a meteorite impact or a comet, the Tunguska explosion has been shrouded in mystery.

However, according to the channeled insights of Bashar, this event may be attributed to something far more extraordinary: a malfunctioning "energy gate" craft from another dimension intruding into our reality.

In this article, we will deep dive into the Tunguska explosion, Bashar's explanation, the concept of an "energy gate" craft, the importance of energy calibration, the causes of the explosion, its aftermath, and its potential connections to modern technology and scientific research.

Bashar's Unique Perspective

Bashar, a being channeled by Darryl Anka, offers a unique perspective on the Tunguska event. He dismisses common beliefs that attribute the explosion to a meteorite, comet, or miniature black hole, instead suggesting that it was a malfunctioning craft—an "energy gate" craft. This craft was far more sophisticated than conventional technology and was perceived as glowing energy rather than a metallic object.

According to Bashar, the explosion was a result of miscalibrating the energy requirements necessary for stabilization in our dimension when transitioning from a higher-dimensional frequency.

The Concept of an "Energy Gate" Craft

To understand Bashar's explanation, we must explore the concept of an "energy gate" craft. Unlike conventional spacecraft with nuts and bolts technology, energy gate crafts are believed to be advanced vehicles that operate on principles beyond our current scientific understanding. They might possess the ability to transition between different dimensions and manipulate energy in profound ways. These crafts are thought to have a crystalline metallic quality and emit a radiant energy, making them appear as glowing energy sources.

Energy Calibration and Stabilization

Bashar emphasizes the importance of energy calibration when entities from higher dimensions attempt to interact with our reality. When transitioning from a higher-dimensional frequency to our more limited physical reality, precise calibration is necessary to achieve stability. This calibration process ensures that the transitioning entity finds balance and alignment within our physical material reality. Failure to calibrate accurately can lead to destabilization and, ultimately, catastrophic consequences.

Causes of the Tunguska Explosion

According to Bashar, the Tunguska explosion resulted from a miscalibration of the energy requirements during the transition of the energy gate craft. As the craft translated from a higher dimension with immense power to our more restricted and limited expression of power, an imbalance was achieved. This imbalance caused an inconsistency in the container forming to hold the translation, resulting in a dimensional rip that back-lashed and fed back into the mechanism, leading to a powerful explosion of energy.

The Aftermath and Its Impacts

The Tunguska explosion had significant consequences. It devastated a vast area of Siberian forest, causing massive destruction. The seismic shockwave was felt around the world, and it ignited interest in scientific research on cosmic impacts. In the aftermath, researchers began to investigate the event more thoroughly, leading to a better understanding of meteorite and comet impacts on Earth. The Tunguska event also fueled discussions about the potential dangers posed by celestial objects.

Relevance to Modern Technology and Scientific Research

The insights provided by Bashar offer a novel perspective on the Tunguska event. While his explanation may sound unconventional, it raises questions about the possibilities of advanced technologies beyond our current understanding. This, in turn, connects to historical accounts of scientific knowledge being suppressed or underutilized, as evidenced by the mention of Nikola Tesla's papers and documents being kept under wraps.

Incorporating knowledge from individuals like Tesla, who pioneered groundbreaking work in energy and resonance, may help us gain a deeper understanding of phenomena like the Tunguska explosion. The potential application of Tesla's work in areas such as gravitational concepts and energy transference is a subject of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.


The Tunguska explosion remains a fascinating and mysterious event in history. While the commonly accepted explanations involve meteorites or comets, Bashar's unique perspective introduces the idea of advanced "energy gate" crafts from higher dimensions. This perspective underscores the importance of energy calibration and stabilization when interacting with different dimensions, shedding light on the potential consequences of miscalibration.

The Tunguska event's aftermath led to advancements in scientific research, particularly in the field of cosmic impacts on Earth. Furthermore, the mention of Nikola Tesla's suppressed knowledge adds a layer of intrigue to our understanding of advanced technology and its potential applications in the modern world.

In the end, the Tunguska event serves as a reminder of the mysteries that continue to captivate our curiosity and the ever-evolving nature of scientific inquiry. Whether one subscribes to Bashar's explanation or not, it undeniably encourages us to explore the boundaries of our knowledge and consider unconventional perspectives in our quest for understanding the unknown.

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