Why is my Higher Mind sending me in a Loop?

There are 2 types of synchronicities to help guide your life, so you won't get stuck in a loop!

Why is my Higher Mind sending me in a Loop?
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My higher mind is telling me that I'm confusing my anxiety with my excitement, and when I act on my excitement, I receive synchronicities telling me to go the other way...

But when I go the other way, I receive synchronicities telling me that I'm trying too hard and I should just be myself...

So why is my higher mind sending me in a loop, so to speak?

It's NOT sending you in a loop.
Your belief systems are sending you in a loop.
The Higher Mind guides unerringly. But you have to remember, as we have explained, there are different types of synchronicity.
There's the green light synchronicity, which says here's an opportunity that you are capable of acting on.
blue and green neon light
And there is the red light synchronicity saying that something may be representative of your excitement, but that doesn't mean that you are given an opportunity to act on it because the timing may not be correct right now.
So it stops you from moving forward and directs you to look for what kinds of excitement you are capable of acting on because those are the ones that will allow you to move forward. And you may be able to go back to the other form later when you have collected enough information and experience in order to do so.
red LED light
So the idea of moving forward and not moving forward on your excitement are the two guide rails that synchronicity provides to keep you in line with the idea of what it is you actually need to act on now and what you don't need to act on right away, even though it might be representative overall of your passion.
Do you understand?

Yes I do, Bashar. So basically just go with the flow and not judge. Go with the flow.

Yes, go with the flow.
Now, again, you always have to be honest with yourself as to whether you're the one dampening the excitement, whether you're the one disguising the excitement as anxiety or anxiety as excitement.
You have to have honest self-investigation within yourself to understand the reason WHY you may choose to move forward or a reason WHY you may NOT choose to move forward, to make sure you're not the one halting yourself as opposed to it actually being synchronicity saying, "no, not yet."
person standing on gray surface while holding umbrella
So it just takes honest self-examination to make sure what your reasons are for moving forward on something or not moving forward on something.

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